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Monday, May 14, 2007

GPRS + Bluetooth + Laptop = Internet Anywhere

This is, of course, not a new story. The first time I started using GPRS for accessing internet from anywhere was back in 2004. Back then, the costs were higher and there was a data download limit. Also, it normally took a full day to get it properly working.

Fast forward to the present day -- we have a Rs. 11/day connection provided by Airtel that gets activated instantly. No download limit, no hidden costs. And last week, I used it to connect to my workplace VPN from a remote town in India, a bungalow in the very outskirts of Bangalore, and now, just before the flight takes off!

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Anoop Mathew said...

3G Wireless modem(Relience, TATA indicom) + Laptop = internet anywhere

even in places u can get connectied through GPRS.
plus i thik u cant get calls when u connect to net useing GPRS on ur normal phone.

airtel also provides PCMCIA data cards with 1000/ month for unlimited download

the cheapest u can get is is BSNL cards for as less as 299/month

PS: if u must write about latest stuff happening its VOIP over GPRS
ppl r downloading small applets and making international calls through GPRS connection dirt cheap
check it out dude

Anoop Mathew said...

also there is a hack for airtel GPRS.
if u have a free Airtel GPRS connection u can make it into a unlimited download connection..... mail me for details

Soum said...

Yeah. The airtel PCMCIA card works well as well. The only thing I hate about it is the fact that it is not compatible with Apple.

Abdul said...

It surely rocks. I have been using it for last one year. Before, I was using Reliance phone as modem..

Now, I used my phone for checking emails (pop3, gmail, personal server yahoo etc), maps, calendar and ofcourse feed-reader :)

I use the same phone as modem from cafe or a place where I can't find any other internet connection.

Speed is decent and Airtel gives you full TCP/IP access not access through a proxy (in case of HUTCH).

I was on road to a remote village where electricity an hour per day is big thing but my GPRS was working and I was promptly repling office emails. Same with on roads, I was replying mails, twittering etc...

Good to be connected from anywhere but at the same time it's bad as an other distraction and way of keeping busy even when you don't want to be ;)


Soum said...

Well, the Airtel guys even knew how to help it setup in Mac! That was an absolute first time for me...!